seriously, i hate that!!! don't ignore me! i know u see that missed called, that txt msg and watever else i did to reach out to you...
how dare u treat me as if i was never anything to u?!?!
how dare u ignore me as if I did something to YOU!?!
i could understand if I had done something to piss u off but i did nothing except try to be the perfect girl for you and make you happy...
did watever it took to put a smile on ur face...
did watever i had to to make u feel better when u were havin a bad day..
encouraged u and let u kno everything would get better...
calmed u down when u was mad...
and u jus took that shit for granted...and then have the audacity to ignore me...
but yet when u saw me u loved to act as if nothing was wrong..give me false hope that maybe u were coming to ur senses...knowing damn well that u were jus playing games with my head...
THEN...when I finally stop thinking about u...finally start to get over u..u decide to txt me and throw me off all over again...
do u enjoy puttin me through this bullshit?!?!
the way u treat me now..i never would have seen it coming...
the way u USED to treat me never even hinted that u could do me like this...
the sweet txt msgs everyday...the public displays of affection..the things u said to me with soo much 'sincerity' in ur eyes...
but who cares?? none of that matters anymore..so i might as well forget that it even existed...hell i should forget YOU ever existed...
when i see you again...dont speak to me..dont look my way because
1 comment:
Yo your poetry is dope. Keep doin ya thing...
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